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Latest Past Events

Fresh, Yummy Produce – LAST TIME!!!!

The Gathering Space - 1600 Providence 1600 Providence Drive, Waco

Last Box of the SUMMER!!!! Carrots / Beets / Swiss Chard Corn Cucumbers / Summer Squash Purple Hull Peas Tomatoes / Lima Beans Recipe: Purple Hull Peas

Fresh, Yummy Produce!

Farm fresh veggies, grown locally and without chemical pesticides, are again on their way to patients at the clinics listed below. TODAY in each box patients can expect beans, cucumbers, Swiss chard, squash, and a selection of either beets, radishes, or onions. The recipe included in today's box is for beans. (Approximate arrival times) Elm […]

Fresh, Yummy Produce!

Farm fresh veggies, grown locally and without chemical pesticides, are again on their way to patients at the clinics listed below. Beets Tomatoes Swiss Chard Cucumbers   Variety:   Beans Purple-hulled Peas   Recipe:  Beets (Approximate arrival times) Elm (8:45) MLK (9:00) Wellness Center (9:15), for Team Areas, OPC, MC3, MCC S18th (9:30)