Certified Nurse Midwives
Two beautiful rooms with all the amenities available to welcome patients and their Certified Nurse Midwife in attendance.
- Labor tub
- Labor ball
- Squat bars
- Warm compresses
- Cool cloths
- Showers
- And much more.
Call (254) 242-3850 for information.

Your health at your fingertips
Making appointments and checking status is easy!
With the MyChart app you can schedule visits, message your clinician, review lab results and prescriptions, and video chat.

Centering Pregnancy
Prenatal care that brings women who are due at the same time out of exam rooms and into a comfortable group setting.
- More time with doctor
- Healthier babies
- Support and friendship
- Learning and fun
- 10 pre-scheduled prenatal appointments
- Offered in English and Spanish
- Labor decisions
- Newborn care
- Post-partum care
- And more
Call (254) 313-4200 for information.

Be a WFM Pharmacy Patient Today and Start Saving
Enjoy free delivery and shipping,
easy online ordering and low prices on your prescriptions.
Medicaid Enrollment Made Easy To Get You Covered
Meet Vance, our new virtual assistant to help you with your Medicaid enrollment.

Breastfeeding Support
Breastfeeding can be difficult, you are not alone. We are available to support you when you have a breastfeeding concern, either over the phone or in person.
Give us a call: (254) 313-4286

Let Us Help You
The Eligibility Department at Waco Family Medicine is available to help find ways to ease the financial impact of healthcare costs. Through assistance programs like Medicaid, CHIP, Good Health Card and Title V, we will work with you to see what you and your household may qualify for to use at Waco Family Medicine clinics and pharmacy.